In our experience, organizations fail to achieve improved results for several critical reasons. Let’s look at another reason digital modernization fails: lack of digital modernization experience, a proven implementation methodology, and execution discipline.
Navigating the Challenges: Building Capacity for Successful Digital Modernization
The second reason many digital modernizations fail is that organizations lack digital modernization experience, proven methodology, and execution discipline to drive these complex projects to success.
We do not say this to disparage the operating capability of any given leader or organization. Organizations must focus on achieving their core purpose, which for most organizations is not digital modernization.
Why would an organization want to develop, perfect,
and maintain an expensive and infrequently used capability?
Modernization initiatives are complex, expensive, and critical to the organization’s success. To succeed, organizations need a team that has dealt with and successfully addressed the various barriers, issues, and risks that will inevitably arise during digital modernization. Without an experienced team, it will fail to promptly identify and address risks and issues, spend too much time focused on low-priority tasks, and lose focus on the desired outcomes of the initiative.
Download our white paper: Overcoming the 4 Obstacles to Digital Modernization Success
Even the most experienced resources need a proven process to consistently deliver improved results. The process should holistically manage the steps to implement the new solution from beginning to end and provide guidelines to respond to the organization’s unique needs and circumstances. Without structured processes and validated methodologies, execution is disjointed and undisciplined, and the likelihood of achieving the desired goal decreases.

The absence of digital modernization experience, proven methodologies, and disciplined execution often stands as a formidable barrier to success for organizations embarking on modernization initiatives. This is not a critique of any individual or entity's capabilities but rather a recognition of the inherent complexities of such endeavors. Given the significant investment and critical nature of modernization projects, organizations must prioritize building the necessary capacity to navigate these challenges effectively. An experienced team equipped with proven processes and methodologies is essential for promptly addressing risks, maintaining focus on desired outcomes, and ultimately achieving success in the digital landscape. Without these foundational elements, organizations risk encountering inefficiencies, distractions, and ultimately falling short of their modernization goals. Therefore, investing in the development and maintenance of this capability is not only prudent but essential for long-term viability and competitiveness in today's digital world.