Client Detail:
The mission of the state agency is to generate revenue to support higher education, health and human services, environmental conservation, and economic and business development. Being efficient and effective is critical for the agency to deliver more value to Arizona.
The Challenge:
The client was operating a public website that was inefficient, manually supported and not achieving their goals for accessibility to the public. This impacts revenue generation through reduced website traffic and an increase in cost to maintain. Due to their infrastructure design that required manual server utilization monitoring and load balancing, the client was having issues with customers being unable to reach their website. MSS Business Transformation Advisory (MSSBTA) was engaged to assess their current state and identify areas to improve efficiency and reliability.
Our Solution:
MSSBTA designed and rebuilt the cloud infrastructure environment to manage higher peak website traffic at a lower cost and improved reliability. Utilizing a cloud service provider, they implemented an ability to auto-scale server capacity which would ensure servers reaching peak utilization would automatically shift application loads to newly created servers without manual intervention. Once high utilization was no longer an issue, it automatically scaled down to reduce the cost. For example, this would shift the website from two servers to four servers to meet higher demand (increase in customer traffic at once) to avoid a website outage and then would move back to two servers once the demand turned to normal.
Additionally, a serverless computing solution was implemented to run some application features without reliance on a server. This also reduced the load from servers which increased capacity and reduced cost.
Their Results:
The client saw a reduction in outages, increasing reliability and availability while also reducing costs to support the infrastructure environment. MSSBTA continues to support the client in improving their infrastructure efficiency to support their growing needs.
Assess current state of the client's website
Design a solution to address their needs
Identify a cloud server provider & solutions necessary to improve efficiency & reliability
Implement the solution & monitor for continued improvement