A business-led, top-management-supported initiative partnered with IT has the greatest chance of success.
Missteps due to a lack of strategy can cost your organization time as well as financial resources. A Business-led, top-management-supported initiative partnered with the IT department has the greatest chances of success.
A properly scoped enterprise application project reduces churn and provides all parts of the business with clarity. Build a successful enterprise application strategy and roadmap by:
Aligning and prioritizing key business and technology drivers.
Clearly define what is in and out of scope for the project.
Get a clear picture of how the business process and underlying applications support the business strategic priorities.
Pulling it all together into an actionable roadmap.
Accountability for enterprise application success is shared between your IT organization and the Business.
Your organization does not know where to start with an enterprise application project. You focus on tactically selecting and implementing the technology but ignore the strategic foundation that sets the enterprise application up for success. The enterprise application project is reported as going over budget, over schedule, and they fail to realize any benefits. Sound familiar?
And it gets more complicated. Enterprise application projects impact the entire organization – they are not limited to just financial and operating metrics. The disruption is felt during both implementation and in the production environment. Missteps early on can cost time, financial resources, and careers. For example, roughly 41% of ERP projects reported being over budget, and one third of organizations implementing ERP failed to realize their anticipated benefits (Panorama).
Obtain organizational buy-in and secure support from your top management. Set clear expectations, guiding principles, and critical success factors. Build an enterprise application operating model/business model that identifies process boundaries and scope and prioritizes requirements. Assess stakeholder involvement, change impact, risks, and opportunities. Understand the alternatives your organization can choose for the future state. Develop an actionable roadmap and meaningful key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly align with your strategic goals.
Develop an ERP Strategy and Roadmap that aligns Business and IT to successfully deliver on your ERP initiative.
Avoid overspend and underutilization by taking a strategic approach. ERP projects impact the entire organization – they are not limited to just financial and operating metrics. The disruption is felt during both implementation and in the production environment. Missteps due to a lack of strategy can cost time as well as financial resources. Over half of ERP projects fail to achieve their planned business objectives.
Develop a roadmap that promotes structure and accountability by categorizing and prioritizing work initiatives, and by identifying resources, timelines, and investment.
Find out what users really think of IT’s business applications with Application Portfolio Assessment end-user feedback for your organization.
Application portfolio management is nearly impossible to perform without an honest and thorough understanding of end user sentiment toward IT software. Develop data-driven insights to help you decide which applications to retire, upgrade, re-train on, or maintain to meet the demands of the business.
Benefits of the End-User Feedback Assessment Assess the Health of the Application Portfolio:
Drill Down with Individual Application Scorecards
Provide Targeted Department Feedback
When your IT organization prepares to replace Enterprise Applications, start with these steps to scope a business-driven strategy that will mitigate risk and improve your rate of success:
Share accountability between your IT organization and the Business.
Develop an ERP Strategy and Roadmap that Aligns Business and IT.
Find out what users really think of IT’s business applications.